
Natular G30 as a Larval Pretreatment Option in the Cayman Islands: Product Stewardship and Partnership


The Cayman Mosquito Research and Control Unit (MRCU) employs an Integrated Pest Management strategy, 它包含了各种方法, 包括物理, 生物, 化学控制, 减少蚊虫滋扰及预防蚊媒疾病, 比如疟疾和登革热, 流行于该地区.

MRCU用的是Hga010皇冠软件下载的"自然© 多年来,这是它们产卵策略的一部分, 产生强有力的控制效果. 作为Hga010皇冠软件下载对产品管理承诺的一部分, our field science team has also worked closely with the MRCU to optimize Natular for its operations. 

Due to variable conditions surrounding the start of the island’s rainy season—and mosquito breeding season—the  MRCU became interested in researching mosquito larvae pretreatment options. 尤其是Hga010皇冠软件下载的生存能力 Natular G30 as a pretreatment option for up to six weeks ahead of flooding and large tidal events that produce mosquito breeding conditions. 

Mosquito Larviciding: Challenges with Unpredictable Weather Patterns and a Need for Pretreatment

从历史上看, the Cayman Islands has two rainy seasons that occur around May or June and September and October. The actual start of these rainy seasons can begin at any point during this two-month time frame, making efficient and effective larviciding—particularly of areas that become difficult to reach once flooded—hard to plan for. 例如, it can take up to three weeks for aircraft to reach the island’s salt marshes due to severe wind and rain.


为了解决这个问题, the  MRCU began seeking options for larval products that could double as pretreatment options to keep egg banks low when operations could not perform active treatments. 该产品还必须在更恶劣的环境中保持有效控制, 比如盐沼和红树林, 在洪水爆发前可以维持六个星期. natural G30成为了这款产品的有力竞争者, 特别是由于其预处理标记和有效的长度控制.

换句话说,  MRCU needed to know if they could treat four to six weeks in advance of their typical rainy season with Natular G30 and still have effective control once flooding occurred. 


为了确定这个, the MRCU and Hga010皇冠软件下载 worked together to determine the amount of Natular’s active ingredient (AI), spinosad, 在风化颗粒和风化颗粒控制蚊虫幼虫的能力.

来抵御天然的G30颗粒, the team set up eight containers filled with soil from a typical treatment area within a mangrove salt marsh site. The team then treated these containers with fresh Natular G30 product and left in the site where they were exposed to rain, 阳光, 微生物降解持续六周, 每周取样一次. 



研究的第一部分是确定Natular的人工智能水平是否足够, spinosad, 经过数周的风化后仍留在产品的颗粒中. 风化的Natular G30产品颗粒被收集并送到Hga010皇冠软件下载的实验室, where they underwent high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to determine the amount of spinosad that remained in the granules. 高效液相色谱法使用溶解的A.I. 在各种溶剂中, 在这种情况下, 从风化的天然G30颗粒中提取的棘糖, 用于定量分析样品中该成分的含量.

总的来说,新鲜的天然G30产品颗粒含有2.5%的皂苷有效成分. 每个星期, 观察到spinosad的量略有下降, 到风化的第六周,样品的含碳量不到2%,减少了26%. 



从这里, the team needed to determine – whether this amount of AI within the weathered enough to control larvae upon flooding effectively.

这样做, Hga010皇冠软件下载’s lab performed bioassays of the sampled weathered granules using fresh Natular G30 product as a positive control. 

The lab situated five-gallon buckets filled with four gallons of water containing 20 third-instar 埃及伊蚊 幼虫每个. The samples of weathered 天然G30颗粒 at each weekly interval were then applied to these buckets at G30’s application rate of 9 pounds per acre—with larvae being added at weekly intervals each week for six weeks total. 


如下图所示, bioassays showed excellent mortality for five or more weeks with up to 6 weeks of environmental exposure – regardless of the length of environmental exposure. 



天然G30颗粒总之, 开曼群岛面临着难以预测的雨季的挑战, 使杀幼虫工作复杂化. 为了解决这个问题, the MRCU explored options for larval products that could serve as effective pretreatments to keep mosquito egg banks low during periods when active treatments are not feasible. 

Natular G30 emerged as a promising candidate due to its pretreatment labeling and extended control duration- but it needed to be determined whether the product could be applied four to six weeks ahead of the typical rainy season and still maintain effective control once flooding occurred. 

与MRCU合作, Hga010皇冠软件下载接受了这一挑战,作为我们对产品管理承诺的延伸. Our labs assessed the spinosad content in weathered Natular granules and their ability to control mosquito larvae. 新鲜天然G30颗粒含有2.5% spinosad, 即使经过了六周的风化, 样品保留了近2%的有效成分. Bioassays demonstrated excellent mortality rates for up to six weeks of environmental exposure, 不管曝光时间长短. 

所有这些数据都证实了这一点 Natular G30 在开曼群岛是一个很好的预处理选择吗.


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